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Acupuncture and Maintaining Healthy Skin

Health is something most people strive for every single day. Our skin is the outward expression of how healthy or unhealthy we are. And while many people believe makeup is the ultimate way to enhance your appearance, many times it is only hiding underlying health issues. Vanity is a virtue that can be quite unbecoming, expensive and time consuming. In the United States alone, people are expected to spend nearly $11 billion on skin care by 2018, according to Global Cosmetic Industry Magazine. And all of the money being spent is out of pocket, meaning technically it is considered a luxury item and not a necessity.

Healthy skin is something that can be representative of much more taking place inside the body. When our skin is dry, cracked, dull, lackluster or covered by acne, it can indicate serious imbalances within the body. This is where things like acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine can be very beneficial. Cosmetic acupuncture is considered the truest form of anti-aging medicine because it improves the look of the skin, while still optimizing overall health. Beauty and health are inseparable and therefore, they should be addressed together.

Cosmetic acupuncture still follows all the same principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  Acupuncturists specializing in cosmetic acupuncture do a thorough intake and health assessment to determine any internal imbalances. And while the ultimate goal for the patient is to have healthier looking skin, the acupuncturist will treat according to the internal imbalances. Once these imbalances are corrected, the skin will become healthier. This is not to say that cosmetic acupuncturists don’t directly treat the visible skin issues, because they do.

Cosmetic acupuncture utilizes tiny sterile needles placed in and around areas of the skin that may be dull, saggy, wrinkled, inflamed or even have some sort of deformity. The insertion of these needles will do a couple of things that help the skin to heal. First, the needles will activate collagen production in areas that have become sunken or wrinkled. This will help to fill in those areas and decrease the lines. Secondly, the needles will stimulate an immune response. This triggers the body to send immune cells to the affected areas, thus signaling molecules like growth factors and cytokines, to repair the skin.

However, cosmetic acupuncture cannot be relied upon completely to help the skin repair and replenish. Most cosmetic acupuncturists will also coach their patients about proper diet and other health issues that may be contributing to the appearance of the skin. For instance, did you know excessive stress can actually cause us to age faster and look older? This is another way that acupuncture can help keep the skin healthy. When a person is extremely stressed, the body reflects it through the skin. Stress can cause breakouts due to an increase in hormones, making the skin oily and decreasing the body’s defenses against bacteria. This is why adequate sleep is so important.

Improper diet is another area a cosmetic acupuncturist may discuss and one that is vital for healthy skin. Things like green tea, vitamin C and Omega-3 fatty acids are wonderful items to add to the daily diet if you are trying to keep the skin healthy. Green tea is full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components that help soothe and reduce skin redness. Vitamin C has been shown to increase collagen production, especially when applied topically. But taking Vitamin C internally also increases antioxidants that keep the skin healthy. Lastly, Omega-3 fatty acids, help keep the skin looking youthful, while retaining its elasticity.

Cosmetic acupuncture is a quickly growing sector of Traditional Chinese Medicine. If you are dealing with any kind of skin issue and looking for a natural way to treat it, finding a licensed acupuncturist would be a great place to start. Your skin and body will thank you.

Three Ways to Alleviate Stress in Under 10 Minutes

We all have stress. Stress at work, stress at home, stress, stress, stress. And most of us know how harmful chronic stress can be to our bodies and minds. Stress can cause us to become fatigued, irritable, sad, restless, anxious and unmotivated. It can also lead to detrimental habits like smoking, drinking, drug usage and overeating.

What if you could combat and alleviate stress in 10 minutes or less? Your body, family, friends and coworkers would probably thank you. So, let’s explore three easy ways to fight off everyday stress.


Meditation can help relieve symptoms of stress in as few as five minutes. Anybody can practice meditation and it can virtually be done anywhere. It’s simple, inexpensive and you won’t need anything special to practice. Meditation produces a state of relaxation while calming the mind. It allows you to focus your attention on peacefulness instead of the hectic everyday life most of us live. There are tons of books, magazine articles, apps and videos explaining how to meditate. One of the easiest forms of meditation is using a guided meditation video or recording. You can find numerous options online. There are also many different forms of meditation, such as walking meditation, mandala coloring meditation, yoga meditation and even Qi Gong.  Explore and see what form resonates with you best. You can also choose more than one type and interchange them for even better results.


Deep breathing relieves stress by activating our natural relaxation responses. Relaxation responses are the exact opposite of our body’s stress response. Deep breathing is a relaxation technique that brings your body and mind into an equilibrium state. The deep breathing technique is very simple. One sits comfortably with the back straight and then proceeds to breathe. The breaths should be very deep and felt in the center of the abdomen. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. As you breathe in, your abdomen should expand accordingly. The breath should be let out slowly and with purpose. You can also silently count to 10 on each inhalation and exhalation. This practice works really well in an office setting where you only have a few minutes to spare. Give it a try.


Acupressure can help alleviate stress anywhere and many times, nobody will even know you’re doing it.

Acupressure utilizes acupuncture points on the body, but without the deeper stimulation that occurs when acupuncture needles are used.

There are several points on the body you can use to combat stress. All of the points about to be mentioned can be either pressed upon or tapped upon lightly. The first point is located between the breasts, level with the nipples, directly over the sternum or breastbone. Applying pressure or tapping this point will help relieve stress felt in the chest and back areas. The next point is located in the webbing between the thumb and forefinger. This point helps relieve muscle tension associated with stress and it’s great for pain located anywhere in the body. Finally, try the point located directly between the eyebrows, known as Yin Tang. This point will help calm your mind and reduce overall stress. It is also great for tension headaches and eye strain associated with excess stress levels.

There are many ways to alleviate stress. Most can be done fairly quickly and without drawing too much attention to yourself. Investigate the options and decide which method works best for you. Happy relaxing!

Five Reasons to Try Acupuncture This Summer

Summer is a time of abundant energy, sunshine-filled days and warmth. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), summer has many different associations that help define it. The element of summer is fire, the color of summer is red, the emotion of summer is joy and the governing organs are the heart and the small intestine.

The Traditional Chinese Medical System relies heavily on the five elements and how they work and interact within the body. In TCM, there are multiple levels. The first is yin and yang. At the most basic level, yin is like water and yang is like fire. As mentioned, fire is the element of summer. Fire is yang in nature, which means it is symbolic of maximum activity. During the summer months, everybody and everything is more outgoing or outward in nature. And as the heart is the main organ associated with the season of summer, it should be given close attention and nourished to remain healthy.

One of the most common problems that arises during the summer months is insomnia.  The kids are out of school, it stays light longer and there are more activities the whole family can participate in, so people tend to get to bed later and wake up later. This can lead to insomnia and other sleep issues. Acupuncture, which is just one modality used by TCM, is a great way to help control sleep issues. It helps balance hormones that can be out of whack, allowing for better sleep.

For many people, headaches occur more frequently during the summer months. The reason being is the higher temperatures actually cause the blood vessels in the head to expand, which applies more pressure against the nerve endings. Also dehydration can lead to summer headaches. If dehydration is the cause, the best remedy is drinking water or eating foods that have a high water content, like watermelon and cucumber. However, if the headaches are caused by excess pressure, acupuncture can help with that. Not only can acupuncture lower blood pressure, but it can also calm the over-excited nerve endings.

Another common ailment during the summer is the infamous heat rash, otherwise known as prickly heat. This usually occurs on areas of the body covered by clothing, where lots of sweat is produced. While most heat rashes disappear in a few hours or days, they can still be quite uncomfortable. Acupuncture can help decrease the inflammation and itching associated with heat rashes in just one or two treatments.

As odd as it may seem, summer can also be a time when people contract colds. Common summer situations like air conditioning, traveling and airplane flights can cause a summer cold and also make the symptoms worse. While colds usually have to run their course, acupuncture can help shorten the length of the cold and drastically decrease the symptoms.

Hay fever and allergies often occur during the summer months because of the fluctuating pollen levels. Getting regular acupuncture treatments before and during the season of summer can be very beneficial for those who are affected by allergies and hay fever. Acupuncture helps control the sneezing, runny nose and watery, itchy eyes, common symptoms for allergy sufferers.

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Spring

Spring is generally regarded as a happy season, especially for those that live in areas where winter is cold and dark. Spring brings with it longer days, more sunshine, the rebirth of plants and more activity. But for many, the months of spring can also bring irritability, anxiety, sinus issues, allergy flare-ups and even colds.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been around for nearly 3,000 years, which gives the medical system, as a whole, a lot of credibility. TCM classifies things in many different ways. There are five seasonal associations in TCM – winter, spring, summer, late summer and fall. Each season has its own unique set of properties and associations. Spring is associated with the wood element. The wood element governs the liver and the gallbladder and their energetic pathways in TCM. The five seasons and their corresponding elements interact with one another daily, creating balance and harmony or complete chaos within the body.

The season of spring is a time of expansive movement and growth. Spring is a time of creativity and planning. Since the liver and gallbladder are associated with the tendons and are responsible for the smooth flow of energy and blood throughout the body, our daily activities should reflect this. Being more active and spending more time outside can be great ways to strengthen the liver and gallbladder energies during the months of spring. We should imitate the budding trees and flowers and allow ourselves to grow and reach for bigger and better goals during the spring.

The color green is the color of spring in TCM. During these months, fresh greens are abundant. It is highly recommended that we incorporate more fresh greens into our daily diets. Greens have been shown to be very beneficial for helping the liver do its job, detoxifying the blood. Dandelion greens, in particular, are a good source for detoxification, which ultimately strengthens the liver and gallbladder meridians.

It is also recommended to avoid excessive stimulants during the spring months. Things like coffee are considered expansive and energizing, which can be somewhat helpful during the cold winter months. But during the spring, when life is abounding, excess energy can actually be harmful to the body. It can create headaches, insomnia, anger and more.
When a person is completely balanced, transitioning from one season to another is not such a big deal. However, knowing what elemental type you are can also be very beneficial in determining how you will react to each passing season. For instance, a person who has a wood element constitution, may experience anger during the spring. This is because the wood element is already closely associated with the emotion of anger and spring brings added stimuli that can trigger fits of rage.

One way to keep the body balanced is through acupuncture and TCM. The body is designed to maintain proper balance, but we tend to not pay attention to the warning signs until we experience pain or illness. Getting regular acupuncture treatments can work as preventive medicine, providing harmony throughout every season of the year.

If you experience feelings of anxiety, anger or even self-loathing, acupuncture can help. It can also help with those seasonal allergies that might flare up. Acupuncture is a wonderful way to maintain health and balance all year long. Be sure to find a fully licensed acupuncturist in your area, so you can enjoy spring without any emotional or physical impairments.

Reasons You Should Get Acupuncture This Spring

Muscles Feel Stiff and Tight: This can be caused from the lack of movement throughout the winter months. If this is something you experience at the beginning of spring, then acupuncture can help. The liver and gallbladder nourish the tendons, ligaments and connective tissues throughout the body. During the winter months, many people forget to drink water and this can affect the muscles and joints. Acupuncture can actually stimulate the flow of blood to the muscles and joints which allows them to heal and become flexible again.

Irritability or Anger: Many people report they feel irritable or angry during the spring. This is because the emotion associated with the liver is anger. When the liver is imbalanced, the emotions can become stagnant. Acupuncture is a great way to balance the liver and the emotions.

Eyes are Irritated: The liver, the organ associated with spring, opens to the eyes. Therefore, any issues related to the eyes and eye health are usually attributed to liver imbalance. This may include dry eyes, eye fatigue, allergies and pain. Studies have shown acupuncture is more effective than Western Medicine and over-the-counter medications for eye issues.

Does Your Liver Need a Spring Tune-Up?

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, each season is ruled by a particular organ system and spring is connected to the liver. What does this mean? Well, you probably notice changes in the way you feel, both physically and mentally, as the seasons change. We tend to feel a bit more contemplative and introspective during the winter months. Once spring hits, we’re ready to recharge and get things done. The liver energy is strong and assertive, the type of energy you need to create plans and then propel them into motion. However, if your liver is a little out of balance, you might notice you are more irritable or on edge than usual.

Here Are a Few Signs That Your Liver is in Need of an Acupuncture Tune-Up:

1. You’ve noticed an increase in headaches lately, and these headaches seem to feel worse when you aren’t active. Generally these headaches tend to manifest at the vertex of your head.

2. You might begin to feel constipated or bloated. Your bowel movements might become irregular, alternating between constipation and loose stools. Hard, difficult stools that appear pebbly are also a sign of liver imbalance.

3. Your friends or coworkers are scared of you, because you are cranky, cranky, cranky. When liver energy is out of balance, you might feel agitated, irritated and generally out of sorts. Sometimes irritation can expand into outright anger more easily than it would if this energy was flowing smoothly.

4. Ladies, you may notice your PMS symptoms have been worse lately. Bloating, breast tenderness, sensitivity…you can blame all of the above on your liver. If your periods are more painful or clotted, this is also due to a stagnation of liver energy.

5. Your eyes are red, itchy or irritated.

6. Your shoulders, neck or jaw are uncomfortably tight. If the liver energy is out of balance, it can flow upward. This causes everything in your body to rise up: you might grind or clench your teeth, your shoulders will levitate up around your ears, and you might experience symptoms of Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ)

7. Your allergies are in full force, complete with itchy, red, watery eyes.

If you are suffering from any of these issues, your body is crying out for a visit to your acupuncturist!

Ways to Shui Your Day

Feng Shui (pronounced “fung shway”) is defined as a Chinese system of laws that govern the spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy and whose favorable or unfavorable effects are taken into account when designing buildings or laying out floor plans. In layman’s terms, it means balancing the energies of any given space to assure health and good fortune for those living there. Feng translates into wind and shui translates into water. So when there is good feng shui, a person or place is considered healthy and when there is bad feng shui, there may be disease and disaster.

Create A Sacred Space

Having a place where you can feel peaceful is essential. This space should be intended for meditation and inner reflection. It should be comfortable, quiet and calming. In this space, you should try to focus on your breathing and silently repeat a mantra to yourself.

Complete Unfinished Projects

If there are things around the house that need to be completed, take the time to do them. Hang those pictures, unpack those boxes, fix that leaky faucet or change that burnt out lightbulb. By leaving things undone, your energy can become depleted and you set up barriers keeping you from doing the things you love.

End Each Day With Rituals

Just as you did in the morning, establish rituals to end your day, de-stress and bring about peaceful sleep. Allow yourself at least one hour of time without any television or computer, so that your mind and body can start to unwind. In your journal, write down three to five things you appreciated over the past 24 hours. And most of all, say a prayer of thanks. Gratitude is the most important thing you can do to bring positive energy into your daily life.